Friday, October 28, 2022

RAoC Form Fun Part 2️⃣


They all got the same postcard, yet every card especially made for the requestor.
It was fun to look at them all together on this page, one after the other. I noticed the differences in how the return address was, and a couple didn't even have any.  
Super fun project.  I have plenty more of these beautiful cards. Would LOVE to send them out to whomever would like one the form is HERE

Friday, October 21, 2022

RAoC Form Fun Part 1️⃣

Random Acts of Postcards

    This adventure started by looking for postcard exchanges. I never know how I get someplace, but the trail always lead to someplace good, kind, beautiful, blessed and abundant.  The community on Reddit has been around since 2013, nearly a decade now.  I hope they have a huge postcard celebration for the anniversary.  Everywhere I go, of course, I am a newbie. That means learning the nuances of the culture among the members.  There is a way to post where you either submit and [offer], [request],  [exchange], or [Thank You].  At first, I was quite intimidated by the formality of it all. Since, I didn't want to offend the community by posting incorrectly, so I admit, I was a lurker for a lil bit!  πŸ˜‚ 

Then the day came when it clicked in my head, allowing me to participate.  A group member made an offer that was so appealing, it couldn't be passed up. I followed the link to the postcard form and opened an enchanted rabbit hole to postcard utopia. To see how easily it was to make a form and have the information at ones fingertips to send out a bunch of postcards.  Well, that just opened up the gates of blessing from above.  
Guess who learned how to make their own form, and post on RAoC?  It was a quick project for the weekend and once it was posted the requests for the Empress Lily Postcards started to roll in.  There are still plenty more to share, therefore, I have continued searching for ways to share the form and the postcards.  Coming up next week...…
Part 2 A colorful collection of notes mailed out on the Empress Lilly cards.  

If you'd like one the form is HERE! 

Random Acts of Postcards
Random Acts of Postcards Form

Friday, October 14, 2022

Time Saver Postcards Part 2️⃣

 Hola Hola πŸ‘‹

    These are actually the first Busy Persons correspondence cards I came across that ignited my exploration of the cards in part 1.  I don't know for the life of me why I only scanned the front side of these postcards.  I'll have to dig through the box and find them to scan the other side. These are a treasure for sure.  Enjoy, and when I have an extra moment, i'll share some more of these.  We all know these are going to overtake my old collection one day...  πŸ˜† 

Hasta luego 


Friday, October 7, 2022

Time Saver Postcards Part 1️⃣

Hola Hola πŸ‘‹ 

    These cards are adorable! The introduction to these was finding some in a πŸ—ƒ box I purchased at the flea market.  They ignited my imagination. On my computer there is a special file of ideation, thinking about how could I morph this into something else.  A copy of these cards always end up here.  The ideation file is busting at the seams, too.  But back to these Time Saver postcards.  

    Finding these just took me down another path for my collection. Since I had no idea of the existence of a postcard like this, nor the cute way someone is able to communicate with them.  So now when I'm researching or playing around, my eyes πŸ‘€ are keen to pick up on these correspondence cards.  I'm hoping to have many more experiences with them.  I could see a whole room in my virtual postcard museum one day.  A girl can dream!

    These first ones, we have to give credit to @Spinich-eater on eBay, YouTube PopeyesPostcards, & WhatNot Live .  I came across his live auctions on WhatNot, which led me to the eBay shop.  Then Had the pleasure to subscribe to his YouTube PopeyesPostcards. I highly recommend his channels and shops.   Just look at these colorful pristine postcards.  Thank you Spinich-eater.  Let us know if you have any other links or favorite resources for enjoying your postcard collection.

It's so inspirational to see other creators prospering with their postcard collections. It's a dream of mine to have a postcard shop/museum. So to see these creators with their postcard empires is motivational for me.  This next year we are working on getting our postcard adventures on twitch live streams as we create postcards for our exchanges and swaps. One day at a time and we'll see what comes of it.  But I feel like if we put it out there into ether, the universe will support it, otherwise it just stays a dream.   

Enjoy these Time Saver Correspondence cards. There will be more of these to come for sure.

I will tell you, trying to keep up with all these new postcards and exchanges has been extremely busy.  It's the happiest kind of busy I've ever been!


LaLa  πŸ‘‹ 

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Follow up

 Just to let everyone know, we made it through the Hurricane Ian without any major damages. No losses on the collection or anything else.  Many of our neighbors in Florida are not as fortunate as we were. Please take a moment and use reputable charity organizations to help Floridians get back to their homes and rebuild.  It really hit home for me as i was looking specifically for postcards of Sarasota, to take to the Sunshine PostCard Club event next weekend, Oct 8th.  I have not heard if the person I'm holding these postcards for is okay or even has a home at this point.  

Please, consider helping Florida Hurricane survivors. Thank you for your support!


Siesta Key in the 70s