Saturday, May 15, 2021

Let's be PenPals

My Picture Postcards
Or Email to

Send me a Postcard

My Picture Postcards
C/O LJ Artica
PO Box 5943
Plant City, FL 33563

We love Pen Pals and will feature the postcard you send us in one of the following ways:

1-Posted on the Blog-My Picture Postcards 
2-Story on all of our Media Stories #OneLoveWorld-Display, FB, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr
3-Live Broadcast Shoutout on Display & TikTok
4-Shoutout on YouTube {coming soon}

If there is a place online that you want a "Shout Out" let us know where and how!

Be Sure to include your return address, so we can possibly return a postcard to you too!

Send a postcard with highlights from your area.

Be great, Share often

Producer | Creator | Founder

L J Artica aka @B͜͡R͜͡E͜͡A͜͡T͜͡H͜͡A͜͡L͜͡I͜͡E͜͡N͜͡T͜͡O͜͡


#OneLoveWorld Family Media Network