Sunday, October 11, 2020

Postcards are the life

Care Package

For years, my children have watched me look around for postcards anytime we traveled. It was a given, Mom is looking for a postcard. It was obvious that a photographer would have better results than I would, taking pictures wherever we go. The simplest, most valuable, memorable, trinket from traveling are the photos of the experiences.  The next best, a postcard. 

My love of postcards must have been in my DNA, because when my dad went traveling with us as young children, he took photos of his kids, and then he purchased a postcard. I didn't make the connection until much later in life, but luckily the habit of it was built in already. 

For a few years, life took many turns for me, my family, and extended family.  You just never know where you are going to end up when you set out on a course. Many of the things I had accumulated during journeys and escapes, those things vanished. Somehow, the family photos and those postcards, managed to make it with me until today.  It is truly the only thing left from years of moving around, etc.

There were many, different parts and instances along the journey, that may not seem to match up, and yet, these postcards tell my story better than I can.  

Let's start with this pack that came in the mail.  My baby girl 👧 grew up and met a boy 👦, imagine.  Well, these two ✌ wanted to wander the universe, and that, they did do. It was exhilarating for everyone. Somewhere along the path, these wonderful, warm beings, put a packet in the post. Upon arrival, It was one of the biggest thrills of a lifetime. I cried with joy! No exaggeration. So many emotions and memories filled my heart all at once.  

Long story Long, This gift really helped me process some important parts of my history. It drew out, my love for postcards, my love of exchanging snailmail, my love of reaching out and receiving warm sentiments. There really isn't anything too much simpler than sending off a quick postcard and knowing it will both surprise and bring joy to the recipient. So easy, to change the vibe, so quickly, inexpensively. 

This package, made me pull out years worth of beautiful postcards, get them together, and formalize an actual collection.  Then, It made me begin looking for others who also love this form of art. Those are tales for another day.  

What I really want to share is how this postcard collection, came to be, how it grows and develops. The stories and places visited on the journey. How they arrived in my personal possession. These stories should be brief and fun.  Some though on heartfelt subjects. Some just are here with me from who knows where or why.  Those could get exchanged someday. 

This postcard collection is an evolving, growing, changing, project. I will share it as long as I am able. Because I love #MyPicturePostcards.

If you would like to exchange postcards, please reach out. At this point, I would love to exchange with no requirements.  That may change at some point, but for now a simple exchange with a warm happy note, would be great.

Would you love to exchange postcards?

Stay Positive | Be Blessed | Share Often

My Picture Postcards
LJ Artica
P.O. Box 5943
Plant City, FL 33563